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Hot Off The Mat!

This community keeps me showing up.

I should be drinking more water. I should be relaxing my shoulders away from ears. I should be wearing my glasses more. I should be throwing in that load of laundry. I should refrain from touching the massive pimple that formed overnight on my chin.

I should + maybe I will (I'm such a rule follower), but right about now I'm showing up as I am. Messy bun, coffee in hand, tense as heck. Did I even brush my teeth today yet?!? That's what too much coffee does to me. Maybe I'm not my best self in this moment, but it won't stop me from showing up. It won't stop me from moving forward. It won't stop me from being seen + sharing who I am.

In a world of photo shop + masterfully curated Instagram pages, let's stop waiting to show up until the perfect moment. Let's be unfiltered about who we are. You are already enough. You are already worthy. You already belong, tribe.

This community keeps me showing up. As I am. Right here. Right now.

I hope you know how powerful you are just in showing up as you. All the versions of who you are in any given moment, they are all part of your masterpiece.

Keep painting, sculpting, + creating your greatest work of all. You.

In gratitude + strength,


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